We provide valuable assistance to our clients, helping to improve their business services, performance and financial results.
As a result we minimise any risk in their investments.

Complimentary Client Reviews

A free and complimentary client review is available.  Indeed this is the ideal chance to meet us on a no obligation basis to discuss any of the following:


  • ​Your goals for your business and how you plan to achieve them
  • How your business goals tie in with your personal and lifestyle goals
  • Issues and challenges you’re facing in your business, e.g. growth, cashflow, etc
  • How you can work with us to address these
Business services dollar picture
Who should have a review?

Any businesses looking to develop, improve and grow!

Tell me more!

We’ll review and discuss your current situation at no cost. A Complimentary Client Review stimulates strategic discussion and identifies burning issues, opportunities and challenges so that you can respond effectively. We can then help you formulate some strategies, assisting you to grow and protect your assets and improve your efficiency and effectiveness.

What is involved?

You’ll meet with a senior team member for a 60 minute session, reviewing your current situation and discussing how we can support you to resolve your burning issues. As a consequence we will send you a copy of the Meeting Minutes documenting your business and lifestyle goals and all agreed actions.

Also if required, we will also prepare a proposal for you including upfront prices of our services for any additional support work that we identify during the meeting.

The benefits of a Complimentary Client Review
  • Clearly discuss and document your business and lifestyle goals
  • Gain clarity of the actions you need to take to achieve your goals
  • Stimulate strategic discussion around the current and future direction of your business and investments
  • Identify your burning issues, opportunities and challenges so you can respond effectively
  • Gain a better understanding of your business
  • Assess the current structure of your business
  • Potentially identify greater tax efficiencies
  • Gain a better understanding of the ways we can support you

Business Planning

A great Business Planning process gets to the heart and soul of your business and business services.  Hence upon completion of the pre-work we’ll have a greater understanding of your vision and core values.  Therefore we provide a four hour planning session to help you create a clear one page Business Plan. 

The outcome of this service is to identify and prioritise goals, both short term and long term, create strategies to achieve your goals, enable you to review actual performance against targets and establish a 90 Day Action Plan to address immediate and critical issues.

Also importantly, this process eliminates a factor that is all too common in business – procrastination.

The Organisational Review

Many businesses do not have absolute clarity around their team’s defined roles and responsibilities.  Hence this often results in owners wearing too many ‘hats’, meaning they have precious little time to spend in a strategic sense, or on high-level activities that create real value for the business.  

Indeed an Organisational Review will help you to build a functional Organisation Chart, visually defining departments, functions, roles and responsibilities.  Therefore we will help you to structure your business so that it is more sustainable, scalable, and, ultimately, saleable.

Monthly Coaching

Owning and operating a business is hard work.  Hence our Monthly Coaching programme provides you with support to ensure you make the best decisions for you and your business.  We’ll work together to develop strategies to achieve your desired work outcomes and gain the lifestyle you want.

Indeed whether your business needs guiding through a major change, or you simply wish to have regular contact with a trusted coach, we’d love to help!

Quarterly Coaching

As a business owner you can at times feel alone and unsupported, spending little time working on your business and trapped in the day to day technical aspects.  Therefore our Quarterly Coaching service provides you with increased accountability and support so that you achieve the results you want from your business.  The outcomes include increased profitability and cash flow, customised reporting templates to measure actual performance against forecasts and access to an expert sounding board to ensure you continue working towards your goals.

KPI Improvement Coaching

We’ve developed this service to enable business owners to understand the key drivers in their business.  The better you understand your business, the easier it will be to increase your profits and free up cashflow.

First, we’ll help you establish what your key drivers are.  These may be financial (e.g. gross profit margin), or non-financial (e.g. customer satisfaction ratings).  We’ll teach you how to measure each KPI and set improvement targets.  Hence once you’re confident measuring each KPI we’ll provide monthly coaching to help you implement a tactical plan focusing on the business processes and behavioural changes required to ensure improvement.

Indeed investing a little time each week and making simple changes can dramatically improve your KPIs, thus positively impacting your business performance and personal life.

These are powerful Business Development services that provide immense value and clarity.

Not currently a client?  We’d also be happy to discuss your business at a complimentary meeting.
Contact us today…

Keen to improve your business performance, financial results and minimise any risk in your investments? Book a Complimentary Client Review now!